Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Sediaan Emulsi

Assalammualaikum, bosen ya pake English terus sesekali lah kita pake ‘Bahasa’, bangga doong pake Bahasa Indonesia :) hehehehe. 


             Kali ini gue pengen ngejelasin tentang sediaan obat “Emulsi” yap, mungkin udah pada tau ya. Tapi mungkin penjelasan-penjelasan dibawah ini bisa menambah ilmu kalian semua nih para calon farmasis muda dan untuk orang awam pun bisa aja make ilmu ini untuk diterapin dikehidupan mereka. So, langsung aja yaa. Cekidot guys !

             Nih menurut Farmakope IV emulsi adalah sistem dua fase, yang salah satu cairannya terdispersi dalam cairan lain, dalam bentuk tetesan kecil. Jadi misalkan minyak yang merupakan fase terdispersi maka larutan air merupakan fase pembawa, sistem ini disebut “emulsi minyak dalam air”. Sebolaknya, (eh sebaliknya :p) misalkan air atau larutan air yang merupakan fase terdispersi maka minyak atau bahan seperti minyak merupakan fase pembawa, sistem ini disebut “emulsi air dalam minyak”.

·     Emulsi Kosmetik atau Topikal
·     Emulsi Oral
·     Emulsi Perenteral
·     Emulsi Radiopeque

 Yap lanjut gue jelasin tentang klasifikasi Emulsi

1.     Tipe Emulsi Air dalam Minyak (A/M) atau Water in Oil (W/O)
                               Emulsi ini mengandung air yang merupakan fase dalamnya dan minyak merupakan fase luarnya. Emulsi tipe A/M umumnya mengandung kadar air <25% dan sisanya ya fase minyak emulsi. Tipe ini bisa diencerkan atau bercampur dengan minyak, tapi  susah banget buat dicampur sama air guys. hehehe

2.     Tipe Emulsi Minyak dalam Air (M/A) atau Oil in Water (O/W)
                               Selanjutnya tipe emulsi yang fase terdispersinya berupa minyak yang terdistribusi dalam bentuk butiran-butiran kecil didalam fase yang berkelanjutan yang berupa air. Emulsi tipe ini umumnya mengandung kadar air yang >31% jadi emulsi M/A bisa diencerin atau bercampur dengan air trus gampang dicucinya.
        Yeah, namanya juga sediaan obat ya pasti punya kelebihan sama kekuranngan kan?? Nih kerugian dan kelebihannya. Yuk disinmak :D

1.          Keuntungan
v    Meningkatin bioavailibilitas obat.
v    Ngasih perlindungan terhadap obat yang gampang  terhadap oksidasi dan hidrolisis.
v    Menutupin rasa yang enggak enak.
v    Sebagai topikal: ngebersihin, pembawa air (pelembut yang baik).
v    Viskositas, penampilan dan banyaknya lemak dari emulsi kosmetik bisa di kontrol.
2.          Kerugian
Ø  Sediaan emulsi lebih ribet daripada sediaan tablet.
Ø  Sediaan emulsi kurang stabil dibandingkan sediaan tablet, karena sediaan cair itu mudah banget tumbuh bakteri di dalamnya
 Ø  Takaran dosisnya kurang teliti, yak karena gak selalu pasien atau user benar dalam mengocok sediaan ini. Bisa aja yang dia minum bagian minyaknya aja ataupun bagian airnya.

          Hemm, dirasa cukup ya penjelasannya dari gue, semoga apa yang gue tulis bisa kalian  dapet ilmunya dengan baik. Okey, makasih ya udah bersedia baca blog dari gue ini. Semoga bermanfaat ! 

Semoga bertemu di tulisan-tulisan gue berikutnya readers !

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

How to properly store the syrup drug

Syrup is a liquid drug preparations are prone to damage. Why is that? Because of this preparation is a liquid, automatic water content is high enough. The water content is very susceptible to trigger the growth of microorganisms and bacteria as well as the occurrence of certain chemical reactions.

But that does not mean the preparation of this syrup should be avoided. As long as we can store it properly and according to the rules, of the weakness of this preparation can be covered. Some tips that I want to share them:

·     Keep the medicine bottle in a dry or a special box. The trick with the first pack of paper or black plastic bag to extend the shelf life of drugs

·        No need to store medication in freezer. This will damage the drug.

·        Do not forget to always close the bottle tightly so that air does not make syrup. Because the incoming air can make it easier for bacteria to grow

·  Avoid drugs are put in place in the sun or the light directly and continuously.

·       Always wash syrup spoon or dropper drops before and after use. Try using a spoon or dropper as in the dry state.

In addition, note the rules of drug taking. Although the drug was prescribed by a doctor we can, keep the packaging and ask for the brochure in addition to the etiquette rules of taking a drug that is prescribed, because it is our right as patients and consumers.

Take the medication as directed drink syrups are recommended. If 3 times a day, means the drug should be drunk every 8 hours. when if the 4x a day, means a drug taken every 6 hours. Likewise, the rules of drinking before and after meals. While the drugs are taken before meals means the drug will be better digested if taken on an empty stomach, so give the drug an hour or half hour before eating to give the drug time to react. And should not take medicine with tea water, because the substance tannins in tea can inhibit the absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract. Always seek the explanation in the pharmacist when you buy at a pharmacy. our rights as patients and consumers to get the correct information.

That was partly what I know how to store and use the syrup preparation is good and effective. Hopefully it can be useful guys!

happy fasting u guys :)

Marhaban ya Ramadhan, Did not feel we have met again with the month of favors and blessed it. May we all be able to practice their religion in this holy month as well. Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah, Kneel to  Allah  :)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar :)

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Understanding The Piece of Paper Called "Recipe"

Understanding The Piece of Paper Called "Recipe"

Understanding the "recipe" was not easy but it is also not difficult if we are able to master the basic sciences Pharmaceutical. The following are the results of a class discussion that talks about understanding the recipe. There are some things that required my friends Prospective pharmacists understand from a piece of the recipe.

1.  The identity of the prescribing doctor, including presence or absence of specific signs such as initialed, signed or stamped. This point is very important to assess the legality of the recipe, the original-fake-or asphalt.
2.    Place and date of recipe made
3.   Composition of the requested medication. Basis for compounding.
4.    Drug doses are required
5.   Demand for pharmacists for the compounding of a particular stock or non blends
6.    Rules aimed at the use of drugs to patients
7.   The identity of patients is useful to cross check or dose adjustment

So, now u can understand the procedures the “Recipe”, I hope this information helps people. okay keep the spirit of a young pharmacist candidate !!

Why Should You Start Blogging At A Young Age?

Why Should You Start Blogging At A Young Age?

A young mind is more passionate, about doing something it loves, than an old mind. Do you remember your teenage years when you decided to go out with the girl/boy you liked, and actually dated her/him even though there was a boyfriend/girlfriend standing behind? That was just an example! It’s the same case when it comes to blogging. If a young mind decides to be one of the best bloggers in the country or the world, it’s not an impossible task! 

I am a teenager (15) myself and I started blogging and earning at the age of 15 !. Personally saying, blogging is the best thing I’ve discovered on the internet. Before blogging, all I used to do was to reach the highest level in Facebook Apps and I now realize that it was so stupid because it was a full-time thing I did! So following are 3 reasons why you should start blogging at a young age. 

Experience & Knowledge 

There’s no limit to learning and gaining experience, is there? Blogging at a young age not only gives you a noticeable number of years of experience, but even assures you to learn a lot of things that you wouldn’t learn in school! We hardly talk about personal development in school with our friends but in the world of blogging, it is one of the most discussed niches! I’ve gained so much inspiration and knowledge by reading 100′s of blogs around the world. 

Building Relationships for Blogging 

It’s not been a long time since I’ve started interacting with Famous Bloggers like Andy Bailey, Hesham Zebida and Ms. Ileane among many others. I never thought that I would be talking and interacting with such people! Your friends might not be into blogging hence you might not get any benefit from them in this field, but that’s why you engage with other bloggers! Everyone wants friends that come from the same field, right? And those friends would surely give you amazing guest posting benefits!

Some money, after all! 

Not always, but it’s money after all! Blogging at a young age would definitely lead you to produce a blog which generates a good amount of money in the future, which you always wanted! If you don’t fit in any career because you’re not passionate about it, then blogging is always there as a backup full-time career for you! Though that requires a lot of things to be done, it’s not impossible. It’s the will power that works in the end. 

So who started blogging at a young age and is now a successful or unsuccessful blogger? Drop-in your brief stories in the comments section!

pro pro provooooocature :D


This’s my new blog, yeah it’s true. I have never blogged before, so please understand it

Yeah now u can stalking me in this blog. Yeaaay!


my name is ......  yeah call me provoc, it's bad name but it's my lucky name !!


Yeaah,  just kidding readers

Hemm, at the last I just wanna say I love u.. *loh

No no no, i just wanna say ‘ENJOY IT ‘ !!
